New for Digital Book World 2019: The DBW Celebrity Roast. First up? BISG's Brian O'Leary.

Digital Book World announced this morning that part of Digital Book World 2019 will be a Celebrity Roast of none other than Brian O'Leary, the Executive Director of the Book Industry Study Group.
DBW 2019 registered attendees will automatically be registered to attend the Roast, which will take place Tuesday night, September 10, at the Loews Vanderbilt Hotel in Nashville, Tennessee (the same location as the rest of DBW 2019).
The Roast will be a fundraising event for BISG, complete with silent auction and other components designed to support this fantastic organization which itself supports the wide world of publishing.
Details on the panel of roasters and other information will be announced in the coming weeks. In the meantime, don't forget to register for Digital Book World 2019 and save money with the Super Early Bird discount.