BISG Sessions At Digital Book World 2018
You can't have a gathering of the wide world of publishing without BISG, and we're very honored they're joining us for two great sessions that are available to DBW 2018 attendees.

BISG's webinar, "Library Confidential," will be broadcast as usual over the internet, but is open to attendees to sit in on as well during the show.
BISG will also host a panel, in an extended 90-minute time window, on what is and isn't working in selling digital books.
In addition to these sessions, BISG will have a booth on the floor of Digital Book World 2018's Exhibit Hall, so you can visit them there to learn more about their organization and their current initiatives. Digital Book World (and parent company Score Publishing) are happy to have recently become members of BISG and are proud to support their work for the broader industry.
For more information, BISG Executive Director Brian O'Leary goes into detail on BISG's participation in Digital Book World 2018 this fall here in this post. Check it out.