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Digital Book World 2018 Gathers The Wide World Of Publishing

Digital Book World 2018 Gathers the Wide World of Publishing

Amazon, Intel, Princeton University, Southwest Airlines, Simon & Schuster, Penguin Random House and Others Take the Stage at Publishing's Most Anticipated Event of the Year

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (June 11, 2018) - Digital Book World (DBW), taking place Oct. 2-4 in Nashville, Tenn. at the Music City Center, gathers publishers large and small, traditional and untraditional, and the technology companies which serve all of them.

The event is on pace to triple the previous year's attendance, while convening more than 70 exhibitors from around the world to showcase the products, services, ecosystems and tools modern publishers need to evolve.

"In a world where every company is a publisher, and every individual has the ability to deliver a print or digital book, uniting publishing insight with technological vision is fundamental to the advancement of storytelling," said Bradley Metrock, DBW 2018 executive producer and the CEO of Score Publishing. "When you have tech giants like Amazon and Intel on the same program as publishing stalwarts like Simon & Schuster and Penguin Random House, you end up with insights and guidance you won't find anywhere else."

Six breakout tracks --- Data Book World, Education Book World, Legal Book World, Production Book World, Marketing Book World and New Media Book World --- serve as mini-conferences within each area of publishing expertise. Organizations from Princeton University to Southwest Airlines will discuss their publishing operations, as part of these various tracks.

Walt Mossberg, who will deliver the keynote address, is widely credited with pioneering the modern, consumer-focused technology review and commentary. He is in the process of writing a book, about the combination of breakthrough technology and the people who brought it to us, which will capstone his career. This book will be published by St. Martin's Press in 2019.

"Humankind relies on storytelling, and technology and publishing now work together to deliver it," Mossberg commented. "I am very much looking forward to discussing this at Digital Book World."

Pamela Paul (New York Times Book Review editor) and Karen Wickre (former corporate communications for Google and Twitter) will provide highly-anticipated talks, while pre-conference workshops will cover podcasting, developing Alexa skills, and applications of blockchain in publishing.

Registration for Digital Book World 2018 is available via or directly through DBW 2018's Eventbrite registration portal. Follow Digital Book World on Twitter: @DigiBookWorld or via #DBW18.

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